اسئله نموذجيه اختباريه لليونت الاول والثاني لمادة اللغه الانكليزي للسادس الاعدادي للعام 2020
نماذج وزرايه لليونت الاول والثاني لانكليزي السادس الاعدادي 2020
قناة احمد الداوودي للمدونه وفي التلكرام و اليوتيوب و الفيس بوك
Q1\ Answer (5) of the following using the information from your textbook:
1. What protected Tariq?
2.What did the shark do?
3. How did Mustafa try to wake up his mother?
4. How did Mustafa saved his mother?
5.How can drivers avoid radar speed guns?
6.Radar speed guns mistakes can be avoided if_______ and __________( complete)
7.Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are________ (complete)
8.Some people claim radar guns can make mistakes and that driver get tickets when they shouldn't.( T , F )
Grammar and Functions : ( 30 Marks )
Q2- A- Re- write the sentences follow the instructions between brackets: ( 5 only )
1.A thief took our clothes while we __________(swim).( correct the verb)
2.I like these shoes. Can I (try on - them)?( put it in the correct order)
3.Put your case in the car. There is _________ space (a little - a few- much) (choose the correct word)
4.Tawons ________(big) now than they used to be.(comparative)
5.I_________( have) a bicycle ,but someone______(steal) it last night.(use: used to )
6.She ___________(not talk) so much but now she never ________(stop) talking.( insert: used to in correct form)
7. help you with your baggage (make offer- use: like)
8.This is new computer , so I think it is faster than the other one( Expectation)
9.Your get them test one a year (advice in imperative )
10.Somebody stole their television.(use : have)
11.The leaves fell because of the wind.( use: make)
B) Choose the correct alternative:
1.He studied hard. He (should , shouldn’t ) fail the exam.
2.(Shall / Will / Let's ) we stop for lunch?
3.You (mustn’t / must / don’t have to) drive without seat belt.
4.In the military, you can take a test to become in (officer / official)
5.The noisy made him(look / looked)outside.
6.She got the window(fixed / fix ) yesterday.
7.Can you lend me_____ money? I have left my purse at home( a few / a little / many)
8.Films are not _______ they used to be.(boring / more boring / as boring as )
9.Picture was (beautiful / beautifully)
10. I saw a very ( excited / exciting) film on TV last night.
11. I was cleaning my room (while / and ) I found 30$ under my bed.
Vocabulary and Spelling
Q3) A / Complete the following sentences from the words in the box.
( baggage , enough , sneeze , pain , faint , pickpocket)
1.Have you got cold? No , I always________ when put pepper on my food.
2.Where exactly is the ________and how long have you had it?
3.Get ________sleep an average of eight hours a night is about right.
4.I feel dizzy. I think I am going to _______ .
5.A person who steal money from your pocket is ___________ .
6.Bags and suitcases that carry your possessions on journey called __________
B\ Write the missing words.
1.Security camera ; x-ray _______ 2.occurred , happened ; injured _________
3.branches , parts ; install _________ 4.office bldags , office buildings ; driving lic __________
5.company , co. ; experience ________ 6.surprised , puzzled ; dropping ________
7.correct , incorrect ; popular ____________ legal _________
C\ Write the missing litters
1.Name three joints in the arm: w_______ e________ s__________
2.Name two things for covering a cut pl_______ , ba__________
Q4\Write 100 to 120 words to give advices to Ahmed Who wants to get a job at a military company. Your
composition should contain at least two paragraphs(use should and shouldn’t )